Normally this would indicate a damaged keyboard, especially if you try another one and it works ok. The symbols are not random but exactly what is supposed to happen when those keys are depressed. Your qwertyuiop result indicates that your machine thinks that both option and shift are being held down while you type. Why are my keys typing different symbols Mac? Mac’s do also tend to have a control key (Ctrl), but you will very rarely use it for general use. This is probably the most commonly used key for the most-used shortcuts on both systems. The main difference between the two is the Ctrl key, and ⌘ Command key on PC and Mac keyboards respectively.
Why are Windows and Mac keyboards different? Also, the US keyboard has no € label (although it can be entered: Alt + Shift + 2 ). The ~ key and the \ key have an entirely different position on both keyboards. The most important differences are the size and position of the Enter/Return, and a few differences in the layout.
Are MacBook keyboards different in different countries? The Command key is used in almost all keyboard shortcuts. On a PC, the keys closest to the spacebar are labeled Alt the next one over has a Windows logo. The biggest difference is in the two keys on either side of the spacebar.